Introduction to the Devout Life


Introduction to the Devout Life / St. Francis De Sales / Digital-PDF/ 1608 / $1.99 

My object is to call those who are living in towns, at court, in their own households, and whose calling obliges them to a social life. Such persons are apt to reject all attempt to lead a devout life under the plea of impossibility; but know this, a true steadfast soul may live in the world untainted by worldly breath. And this includes you, dear soul, if the devout life is your desire.


Almost all those who have written concerning the devout life have had chiefly in view persons who have altogether quit the world; or at any rate they have taught a manner of devotion which would lead to such total retirement. However, I endeavor to assist the steadfast soul to find a well-spring of holy piety amid the bitter waves of society.

I have led others through the various exercises suitable to the highest aim, and believing that they might be profitable to others, these souls have urged me to publish them. The Devout Life is not easy, and for that very reason I would have Christians bestow more care and energy than they have up to this point. While conscious of my own weakness, I endeavor by this book to afford some help to those who are undertaking this noble work of living holy.

I have addressed my instructions to Philothea, meaning one who loves God. I have arranged this Introduction to the Devout Life in five parts. In the first, I seek by suggestions and exercises to turn Philothea’s mere desire into a hearty resolution. After this, I show her two great means of closer union with His Divine Majesty. In the third part, I set forth how she should practice certain virtues most suitable to her advancement in the Holy life. The fourth section covers the snares of her enemies and shows her how to pass through them safely and come forth unhurt. And finally, I lead her apart to refresh herself and renew her strength, so that she may go on more bravely afterwards, and make good progress in the devout life.

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